(photo from 2007-2008 senior year, of high school)

9:49 AM (1/18/22): "There is a difference between labor and work, given such have contrasting implications... The latter is usually compensated by financial means, while the former is via food and shelter... from a traditional standpoint... Both scenarios revolve around the principle of supply and demand, and there are those who need to commit such... to memory..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Seton Hall Campus Video Tour - YouTube

10:23 AM (1/18/22): "I graduated from Seton Hall, on 5/18/15... which was 80 months ago... With a college degree in behavioral science, I suspect such should be utilized (I had a 3.65 GPA, with magna cum laude honors; such is the second-highest distinction..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:53 PM (1/18/22): "One of my favorite triple jumping juxtapositions, that I have created thus far... I had an interest in breaking Jonathan Edwards' triple jump world record of 60'0.25" feet... since age 15, but there were a number of obstacles and unforeseen obstructions... along the way... Nevertheless, there was no guarantee such would happen..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:58 PM (1/18/22): "A video juxtaposition I made, not too many weeks ago... featuring Jonathan Edwards' triple jump world record..." - Michael Izuchukwu


QUOTES (and thoughts):
11:50 PM (9/22/23):
"There could come a time, when the odds are against you... and that you are 'increasingly disadvantaged,' if your faith in Jesus Christ ('God the Son')... is not strong, enough..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom, of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3 

9:41 AM (9/21/23):
"Happy are those conscious, of their spiritual need..." - Matthew 5:3

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up... ...for your work, will be rewarded..." - 2 Chronicles 15:7

"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind... to reward each person, according to their conduct... ...according to what their deeds, deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (according to 'God the Father')

"Looking up, as though... having seen, the light..." - Business Game Changer Woman

5:23 PM (5/18/23):
"I personally believe, that the reason there is so much to the cosmos/universe... ...that humans can only hope, to be informed of (as opposed to fully understanding, or exploring)... attributable, to matters dealing... with 'God' the Father, and higher 'dimensions'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:54 AM (9/18/23):
Interesting speech, by Dr. Ben Carson... My immediate impression (after viewing 0:00-3:38), was that one could be born in America... and then leave his/her country... ...but at some point, one likely would seek... to return, to 'that tree'...

9:06 AM (9/18/23):
I noticed that Joseph Nyre, Seton Hall University's president... from the Fall of 2019 to Spring 2022 (3 years, prior to 'his sabbatical'), is a slight doppelganger of David Leebron... who was Rice University's former president, from 2004-2022 (18 years)... Perhaps (in the context of 'the above links') there was a conspiracy at Seton Hall University's law school (regarding the embezzlement of funds), as an indirect means... of limiting Joseph Nyre's presidential years ('annual terms')... Institution rivalries (or reputation battles), perhaps...?
David Leebron & Joseph Nyre, are both alumni... from Harvard University...

7:26 AM (9/18/23):
Regarding 0:00-0:15 of this video, in retrospect... if I were to have said, 'hello everyone... this is Dr. Izuchukwu'... dad (in the context, of him... still being alive), would likely have interjected 'you know, I am a doctor... too... Son, I need to test your knowledge... ...remember, I have a PhD'...
I would be surprised, if my dad was not inclined... to say, what is stated (hypothetically)... 'above'... If he didn't (or wouldn't), then the presumption is... that he is regarding my credentials, as 'on par'... with his own...

7:12 AM (9/18/23):
Interesting EVMS graduation video, regarding the transition from medical school to residency... Via cell phone, 1:38-1:46... was of interest... the context, of this post... which had been a YouTube video recommendation, for me... yesterday...:

This video is quite effective, for permitting former Rice University students... to revisit the campus (the simulation, of such... that is)
I got to the 3:23 mark (203 seconds in), before preparing... to get breakfast...

4:53 AM (9/18/23):
Amazing performance, by Mondo Duplantis... This is the 7th time, that he has broken... the pole vault world record...
The first time Mondo broke the pole vault world record, his result was 6.17 meters... ...and the most recent time (the 7th), was yesterday (on 9/17 of 2023)... Perhaps, this is an allusion... to the significance, of the integer/number '17'...

1:58 PM (9/17/23):
At 2:47-2:53 of this video (regarding the interval of 2:47-2:53), I was thinking 'living the life'... ...even though, the curriculum is arguably tasking...
2:11 PM (9/17/23):
I majored in behavioral science, at Seton Hall University... and had a minor in 'social work,' prior to graduating from that school in May 2015 (having transferred from Rice, and begun classes at Seton Hall... as of the Fall of 2012)... I had been advised, that this minor could refine my major... due to the relevance, of course material... Ultimately, I thought such to be a suitable precursor... to my endeavors, at Eastern Virginia Medical School (in a remote capacity)
After watching 0:00-15:47 of this video, I was reminded of some topics... that are paramount, to social workers...

"As one ages (gets older), one's biological age... tends to be at odds, with one's chronological age... to a degree... Nevertheless, an effective means... of gauging one's biological age (a measure, of one's perceived health... in the context, of their peers), is physiological/physical fitness..." - Michael Izuchukwu (8:33 AM, on 9/17/23)
The question of how fast can you run 1 lap, around a track... at age 15, 30 and 45... for instance...
[when I was 14 years old (8th grade) I ran 400 meters... in 61 seconds, at Rockwood Valley Middle School... Arguably, I was one of the fastest kids in my class... at 'that time'... ...although, I was geared towards the triple jump... (in the 8th grade, I pulled off '38' feet... the 9th grade, by personal best in that event... would be 41'11"... and by 12th grade, such was 47'3"...]

"Upon entering the shower, not too long ago... ...the words 'what was the cornerstone, of the Marxist Revolution'... appeared, in my mind. ...not sure why..." - Michael Izuchukwu (8:02 AM, on 9/17/23)
I am not a 'history buff'...

"If you don't genuinely believe that God exists, eventually you will find out... that any meaning you ascribed to your life, was effectively... negated (on the basis, of there being nothing... of 'intrinsic value')..." - Michael Izuchukwu (12:03 AM, 9/17/23) 
That which is intrinsic, withstands... the test, of time...

"If you don't get to heaven, you have only yourself to blame... ...because you delighted in wickedness, and could not see the folly of your ways... ...because you did not believe in your option, to pray..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:39 PM, on 9/16/23)
God won't help you out, when 'His' timer... expires...
RECAP (from
4:39 PM (7/17/23):
At 0:15-0:28 of this video, my first thoughts to myself... were 'holy shit'... and then at 0:56-1:17, my reaction was 'that's deep, but in no good way'... 
I will definitely be seeing this movie, when such is released in theatres... on 9/29/23... Such seems like a problem humans could deal with, in no less than 300 years...
6:01 PM (7/17/23):
"In retrospect, I just imagined a person saying 'we lost L.A.'... in the 'above movie,' given that such is where many actors and famous people... live. Subsequently, my interpretation is that the revolting robots... were trying to 'psychologically cripple' human beings (mental harm), before commencing their weapon-based attacks (physical harm)...
The attack on Los Angeles, was weapon-based... but likely, did equitable... psychological harm...

"In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words... than words, without... a heart..." - John Bunyan

"In terms of relativity, if one has a reason (based off 'genuine interest,' that is incentivized) to learn a foreign language... is more inclined (and better equipped), to do so..." - Michael Izuchukwu (6:19 PM, on 9/16/23)

"It was moments ago, that I had the thought... that if a financially successful and distinguished individual, were incarcerated... for a crime, which he/she did not commit (and happened to be sharing a room, with one who was content... 'behind bars,' due to his/her intellectual limitations)... that would be a 'hell on Earth'... for the 'famous' individual (assuming he/she was one, who 'sees each day, as a new adventure')..." - Michael Izuchukwu (2:06 PM, on 9/16/23)
The presumption, is that the content person... had all his/her physiological needs, met (in the context, of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)... and was entertained, by intermittent meals... and music...

"People 'always' fear, what they don't understand..." - Carmine Falcone [Batman Begins (2005)]
"...and when they understand what they fear, they tend to fear... the misunderstanding..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"For after all, what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... a central point between nothing and all, and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings, are impregnably concealed from him... in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn, and the infinite... in which he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal

"Sometimes, aspects of the unknown... can instill curiosity... ...although, any explanation... may result, in anxiety..." - Michael Izuchukwu (12:25 PM, on 9/16/23)
8:58 AM (9/16/23):
When I read this article title, my immediate thoughts... were the phrase 'where is our comida,' being asked... by some of the migrants (in the context, of the 98%... who 'have not' filed)... In spanish (Espanol), comida means 'meal'...

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3
Something about 18.30 meters, in the triple jump... relation, to the 'above' bible verse (in the context, of the triple jump world record... being 18.29 meters (60'0.25"), since August 7, 1995)...

(3:12-3:44 - random movie scene, that is 'intriguing')

4:46 PM (9/1/23): 
At 3:21 PM, today, the idea occurred to me… that if someone is ‘alien level,’ then his/her level of advancement in life… implies that he/she is likely desensitized, to ‘ordinary pleasures’… A stronger stimulus is needed, to elicit... a standard response…

4:48 PM (9/1/23):
A wise man once said, 'salvation lies... in reductionism'...
For instance, one can break down matters… to their core elements, to infer value.
Does one travel in a car? An alternative way of looking at this, is one travels in his/her body (via two legs - each attached, to one foot... sit in a vehicle/car… …and while such moves, one is also moving)…
Does a home owner, live in a house? An alternative way of looking at this, is that one lives in his/her body… ...which occupies a certain space, that is subject to being navigated through…
Does time pass at the same rate, for every human being? An alternative way of looking at this, is that time is relative to the observer… but the observer, is not necessarily as relative… to time…

A news advertisement snapshot, from 4:30 PM... on 9/1/23... Such made me say to myself 'did they find aliens/extraterrestrials, or not'...
5:31 AM (9/2/23):
A news advertisement snapshot, from 5:01 AM... on 9/2/23... Apparently, NASA is not bluffing... about their confirmation, that 'we (humans) are not alone' in the cosmos/universe...
2:20 PM (9/14/23)
False alarm, apparently (in the context, of the 'above' post... from 12 days, ago... ...or is this, about 'crying alien (in the context, of 'the boy... who cried wolf' story)'...
2:42 PM (9/14/23):
3:02 PM (9/14/23):
The specimens in the 'above video,' remind me... of the extraterrestrial beings ('two'), in the following video:
Origianal E T Goodbye scene - YouTube (0:26-0:45 >>> 45-degree angle)
(both of the specimens, were subject to DNA sampling... and the results, were that '30 percent' of the DNA (deoxyribonucelic acid)... was unknown...)
...apparently, 70% of the DNA... was a match, to that of humans...
There is a 1% difference in the DNA, of humans and chimpanzees... in comparison...
4:31 PM (9/14/23):
"...if these 'are' extraterrestrials (that can relate to human psychology and culture), then perhaps it's logical... that the forms of these species, are as they are seen 'above'... ...assuming, they are a technological civilization... ...that had to survive, throughout space (in the context, of energy reserves & conservation, and thermal regulation)...
[apparently, DNA was recently sampled (see above) & 36 extraterrestrial civilizations... were detected (in the recent past)... These are either truths, or faleshoods...]
2:25 PM (9/15/23):
Correlation does not imply causation, regarding dimethyl sulfide (DMS)... ...'on Earth, being only produced by living organisms'... and the detection of such, on exoplanet K2-18b (120 lightyears away, from Earth)... indication, that life is also... there...

3:46 PM (9/14/23):
Usain Bolt setting the 100-meter world record, in 9.69 seconds... in Beijing, China... at the 2008 Olympic Games... (the '9.68' was adjusted, to 9.69)
If extraterrestrials visited Earth, and could relate to the psychology and culture... of humans... ...they might ask, who the most powerful or notable individuals... have been... in the history, of human civilization...
11:17 PM (9/22/23):
When I viewed this video, I was reminded of the concept... of 'panspermia'... which attests, that life on Earth... may have originated elsewhere, in the cosmos... the context, of the dinosaurs (which are confirmed to have existed, due to fossil evidence)...
- - -
(YouTube recommendation, which makes me question... the basis, for Neil deGrasse's views... on whether or not, God exists...)
(see ending, for context... on 'the above note'): HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (
- - -
"...Truth is stranger, than fiction..." - Mark Twain
(or a hard pill, to swallow... the context, of human history... regarding exploration, conquest, and the relations... between the conquistadors, and indigenous people)
NOTE #1:
I noticed that in the 1982 film 'E.T the Extra-Terrestrial,' the '2' extraterrestrials (aliens from outer space)... by the spaceship (0:26-0:44), each have 3 fingers... on each, of their hands... This parallels, those depicted... to the Mexico congress...
At 2:16-2:20 in the 'above video, E.T.'s head... is in the shape, of 'a heart'...
(FYI: the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field, in the human body)
NOTE #2:
NOTE #3:
NOTE #4:
In science, it often takes time... before that which is theoretical, is ratified... as factual (law-based)
NOTE #5:
NOTE #6:
12:28 AM (9/23/23):
(both of the specimens, were subject to DNA sampling... and the results, were that '30 percent' of the DNA (deoxyribonucelic acid)... was unknown...)
70% of the DNA, of each of the '2' extraterrestrial/alien fossils... was known, or was 'a match'... that of humans, perhaps...
12:38 AM (9/23/23):
12:46 AM (9/23/23):

4:59 PM (9/1/23):
I found this analysis, to be myopic (near-sighted)... Initially, my first impression... was that Neil deGrasse Tyson, had been commandeered... by an extraterrestrial
Neil deGrasse Tyson says America has lost its exploratory compass at Rice's 100th commencement - YouTube (2013 Commencement address, by Neil deGrasse Tyson... at Rice University)


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